Currently, the state of Connecticut is not in a position to offer regulated online poker. However, when this changes, there may be an opportunity for Connecticut-based operators. A multi-state network could be set up that would create a larger player pool. This would create an interesting market for online poker in Connecticut. But, in the interim, there are no operators who have set up shop in Connecticut.
If a multi-state network is created, Connecticut operators could enter into a shared liquidity agreement with other states. This would create a pool of players from multiple states and make it easier for sites to attract and retain traffic. There is no word yet on what these agreements would entail, but lawmakers are open to the idea. They may offer amendments that would regulate shared liquidity.
In addition, a state may join an interstate compact with Nevada and New Jersey, which would create a shared liquidity network across state lines. This would allow states to create a combined player pool that would be able to compete with other states’ sites. This would also help resolve the traffic issues that sites have been experiencing.
Connecticut is also looking to enter into multi-state agreements. This is a good idea, since Connecticut is not a large state with a large population. However, when these agreements are entered into, there is no guarantee that a Connecticut-based operator will be able to offer regulated online poker. In the meantime, Connecticut is waiting for a final ruling of the Wire Act. If the Wire Act is reinterpreted to allow for interstate online poker, there is a chance that Connecticut could be the first state to offer legal, regulated online poker.